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Born and raised in the UK, but, until recently, resident in the States for many years, I am a dual UK/US citizen now based in London and Chicago.

As a director and trainer of actors, my work is based in that of Stanislavsky (particularly his seminal work in Active Analysis) and the pedagogies of Grotowski and Michael Chekhov.  I also draw upon contemporary psychophysical approaches to acting exmplified by Contact Improvisation; Viewpoints; and the Suzuki Disciplines.  In addition, I am a certified Associate Teacher of Fitzmuarice Voicework.

My personal  approach to directing and the facilitation of learning is derived from my undergraduate degree in education, and is founded upon the person-centrered philosophy of Carl Rogers and Paulo Freiere's notion of dialogical education.

My practice-based PhD research explored the nature of the 'blocks' (Grotowski) and influences that occlude an actor's potency (Michael Chekhov), and how these blocks can best be ameliorated through experiential, psychophysical approaches to the discovery (i.e., rehearsal) and learning processes.

My work aims to be transformative (e.g., Mezirow, Cranton, Dirkx) and foregrounds empowering actors as autonomous, creative artists.

Between 2010 and 2013 I served as Artistic Director of Shattered Globe Theatre, a stalwart of Chicago's vibrant Off-Loop theatre scene.  During this time I led the the then 20-year old ensemble-based  theatre company back from the brink of closure.  The theatre is now re-established as one of the city's premiere small professional theatres. Shattered Globe is the recipient of over 50 Joseph Jefferson Citations and Awards and over 100 award nominations.

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