Director, Designer and Trainer for the Stage
London • Chicago
Our Country’s Good - Timberlake Wertenbaker
• Chicago Tribune - Recommended production
• Time Out, Chicago - Recommended production
• Chicago Theatre Review - Recommended production
“…now receiving a handsome and thoughtful (if occasionally too polite) production with Shattered Globe under Roger Smart's direction…[with] some stellar performances from the jump.”
“…Smart’s own spare but evocative set.”
Kerry Reid, Chicago Tribune
January 14, 2014
“Roger Smart's production and set design, centers on a morbid palm tree grown out of tangled rope. It's an ingeniously simple installation piece made haunting, spectacular even, by the way it looms over every action. Here, not even shade provides relief.”
Dan Jakes, Time Out, Chicago
January 15, 2014
“Roger Smart’s intelligent revival for Shattered Globe Theatre keeps the plates spinning: None crash. […] A testament to the persuasive power of a flawless ensemble.”
Lawrence Bommer, Chicago Theater Beat
January 18, 2014
Happy Now - Lucinda Coxon
• Time Out, Chicago - Recommended production
“With intriguing scenic design and dynamic staging, Shattered Globe’s production is impressive.”
Suzanne Scanlon, Time Out, Chicago
February 6, 2013
“Happily, Roger Smart’s well-honed, richly textured Chicago premiere fits these survivors [of mid-life crises] like a glove: There should be enough shocks of recognition among audience members to keep this vital and immediate.”
Lawrence Bommer, Stage and Cinema
January 28, 2013
Her Naked Skin - Rebecca Lenkiewicz
• Joseph Jefferson Awards Committee Recommended Production
• Chicago on the Aisle - Highly Recommended production
“…a sleeper gem of the season…directed with raw energy and edge by Roger Smart.”
“to each soul in this cross-section of life in time of foment, Shattered Globe’s company gives a distinctive face and bearing.”
Lawrence Johnson, Chicago on the Aisle
May 15, 2012
“Roger Smart’s brilliant 18-member ensemble conjure up the pre-World War I agitation that only that war could quiet and finally reward. A superbly chosen cast offer a cross-section of English society at a major crossroads, with a carping chorus of male bullies in Parliament a stark contrast to the quiet conviction of the striking (in every way) suffragettes.”
Lawrence Bommer, Chicago Stage Standard
May, 2012
Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare (inspired by the Factory Theatre’s Hamlet)
“If you have high school students at home who think Shakespeare is dull and hard to understand, this production might make them reconsider.”
Kerry Reid, Chicago Tribune
May 23, 2011
“Under the direction of Roger Smart, the show is tightly paced professionalism. It’s an impressive surprise. The informality around the show, before it starts and during intermission, seems to indicate a more loose affair. The charades-in-the-living-room comfy vibe is sidelined as the first line cues up the polished acting. The Shakespearean prose is delivered with conversational passion…an entertaining one-of-a-kind theatrical experience.”
Scotty Zacher, Chicago Theater Beat
May 18, 2011
A Map of the World - David Hare
“…the map as a representation of truth is at the center of the Burning Coal Theatre Company’s excellent production of David Hare’s A Map of the World, and Roger Smart’s direction sets the main characters ‘on’ each other in way that makes boxing seem tame. This production is an example of how theater, when it works, is the most involving and interesting of the performing arts”
Mike Munger, WUNC, North Carolina Public Radio
February 22, 2006
“Burning Coal guest director Roger Smart stages A Map of the World with style and wit and imagination. He keeps the ideological harangues from growing too tedious, and he helps the actors achieve three-dimensional portraits of a host of complicated characters”
Robert W McDowell, Classical Voice of North Carolina
February 19, 2006
“…director Roger Smart. . .guides this show through a gauntlet of theatrical hazards”
Byron Woods, The Independent Weekly
February 15, 2006
Road - Jim Cartwright
“…the talented 11-member cast clearly has worked hard to give the compelling assortment of characters the attributes they need to come authentically to life. Director Roger Smart has done a fine job…[the production] is well worth seeing for the great performances.”
Joya Wesley, News & Record
September 19, 2004
Dylan - Sidney Michaels
• Winner of 2002 Joseph Jefferson Award for Actor in Principle Role
• Joseph Jefferson Awards Committee Recommended Production
• Included in Chicago Tribune ‘Rave’ section
• Chicago Sun-Times Recommended production
“Smart has forged a fluid, truthful and deeply engaging production full of integrity and with a terrific central performance by John Sierros as Dylan…[a] beautifully crafted production.”
Chris Jones, Chicago Tribune
March 23, 2002
The Life of Galileo - Bertolt Brecht
• LA Weekly Pick of the Week
“In this finely-tuned production, the cast does a truly admirable job. Director Smart…has mounted an extremely handsome production, with all of the components underscoring Brecht’s intellectual argument and falling into place perfectly. “
Meg Donivan, After Dark
September 23, 1999
Scenes From an Execution - Howard Barker
“…a stylish production imbued with a sense of the surreal and marked by excellent performances.”
Los Angeles Ti m e s
March, 1999
A Raisin in the Sun - Lorraine Hansberry
“Under Roger Smart’s outstanding direction the cast takes full advantage of Hansberry ’s evocative language and emotions.”
City Lights Review, Long Beach Business Journal
June 23, 1998
“There are two reasons why folks…should flock to Long Beach Playhouse for Lorraine Hansberry’s A Raisin in the Sun. One is the endearing cast and the firm but sensitive hand of director Roger Smart…”
Roberts Telford, Grunion Gazette
June 11, 1998
“Under Roger Smart’s insightful direction this bittersweet slice of African-American life packs such a visceral wallop you can feel your stomach cringe.”
Shirle Gottlieb, Press-Telegram
June 11, 1998
The Trial - adpt. Steven Berkoff from Franz Kafka
“Both the abstract trial and the abstract truth burst into life in National Pastime’s strenuous revival . . . the 13 cast members erupt in stylized movement and mechanical mime, flawlessly directed by Roger Smart. Smart’s staging drives home Kafka’s nightmare . . .”
Lawrence Bommer, The Chicago Reader
February 24th, 1995
“[the] thrilling first image of this environmental production greets the incoming audience with stylized movement and clever stage pictures that take effect long before the first word of Steven Berkoff’s adaptation is spoken […] director Roger Smart knows what he is about.”
Chris Jones, New City
March 9th, 1995
“Add the directing talents of Roger Smart and you have the perfect setup for a challenging production.”
Kathleen Tobin, The Beverly Review
March 15, 1995
The Dresser - Ronald Harwood
• Awarded Joseph Jefferson Citation for Actor in a Principle Role
• Awarded Joseph Jefferson Citation for Scenic Design
• Nominated for Joseph Jefferson Citation for Direction
• Joseph Jefferson Awards Committee Recommended Production
Carbonelle Awards: Actor in a Leading Role — Honorable Mention
“. . . Phalen and Zukovski (Norman and Sir) wake up the theater in a rare and scintillating dual performance . . .Roger Smart has directed superbly, and the set he designed evokes the play’s mood perfectly.”
Bill Von Maurer, Ft Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel
December 7, 1994
“. . .features two exceptional performances . . . under Roger Smart’s taut, intelligent direction.”
Hap Erstein, The Palm Beach Post
December 12, 1994
The Road to Mecca - Athol Fugard
• Awarded Joseph Jefferson Citation for Actress in a Principle Role
• Two Joseph Jefferson Citation nominations for Actress in a Principle Role
• Joseph Jefferson Awards Committee Recommended Production
“Smart’s skillful direction . . . brings out the soul of Fugard’s work.”
Maura Troester, The Chicago Reader
November 19, 1993
“The director’s touch of Roger Smart realistically imbues each of the three member cast with a poignant, independent humanness that carefully interacts with each other’s. He is also responsible for the equally mood inspiring set . . .This is theater at its best.”
Kathleen Tobin, The Beverly Review
December 8, 1993
God’s Country - Steven Deitz
• Joseph Jefferson Awards Committee Recommended Production
• Nominated for Joseph Jefferson Citation for Production
• Nominated for Joseph Jefferson Citation for Ensemble
“One of 1992’s strongest shows was Shattered Globe Theatre’s Talk Radio. . . with equally riveting results, director Roger Smart has turned to God’s Country.”
Lawrence Bommer, Chicago Tribune
September 26, 1993
“A real acting tour de force . . . spectacular performance of an important show.”
Ray Norstrand, WFMT
Saint Joan - George Bernard Shaw
“The Bailiwick production has been directed cleanly and briskly by Roger Smart, who has made his mark with the small admired Shattered Globe Company… [he] has devised some striking scenes.”
Hedy Weiss, Chicago Sun-Times
January 25, 1993
“His stunning ghostly finale… is a grand moment and a rousing finish”
Sid Smith, Chicago Tribune
January 27, 1993
“Vivid as Shaw's storytelling, Roger Smart's intelligent staging finds a solid anchor in a pile-driving Joan…”
Lawrence Bommer, Windy City Times
February 11, 1993
"Bailiwick's production does justice not only to Shaw's words but also to Joan's memory and strength.…the cast is up to the task, skillfully guided by director Roger Smart."
M J Hochberg, Nightlines
January 27, 1993
"Roger Smart's Direction skillfully bypasses cheap emotionalism to focus on the intellectual arguments of Joan's life and death……Bailiwick has mounted a superlative production."
Mary Shen Barnidge, This Week On Stage (NYC)
February 23, 1993
Talk Radio - Eric Bogosian
• Awarded Joseph Jefferson Citation for Actor in a Principle Role
• Awarded Joseph Jefferson Citation for Actor in a Supporting Role
• Awarded Joseph Jefferson Citation for Scenic Design
• Nominated for Joseph Jefferson Citation for Direction
• Nominated for Joseph Jefferson Citation for Production
• Joseph Jefferson Awards Committee Recommended Production
• Included in Chicago Tribune ‘Rave’ section
“As taut and captivating in every sense as Oliver Stone’s film version, Roger Smart’s staging drags us deep into the twisted world of talk radio. . .a superb Shattered Globe Theatre production.”
Lawrence Bommer, Chicago Tribune
May 6, 1992
“One of the best shows in town which you should not allow yourself to miss.”
Sherman Kaplan, WBBM Radio
April 8, 1992
"Go see the show, because they've got it!
Ed Tyll, WLUP Radio
April 6, 1992
"… a smartly crafted, consistently fascinating production…… Roger Smart directs and designed the set, succeeding admirably on both counts."
Paul Faberson, Lerner Newspapers
April 15, 1992
"Director Roger Smart has assembled a first-rate cast who didn't miss a beat the whole night. It was one of those rare instances in theatre when everything converges: plot , rhythm, sound action"
Maura Troester, The Chicago Reader
April 10, 1992
"Shattered Globe's flawless production pulls you in from the get-go and never for a minute lets you go.…Under Roger Smart's adept direction, Bogosian's s tory unfolds with an all-too-rare grace."
Jack Helbig, New City
April 9, 1992
Graces - Geof Helgeson
"A newcomer to Chicago, director Roger Smart demonstrates…an ability to keep a script that could easily have fragmented into self-indulgent rambling, tight and sharply focused."
Mary Shen Barnidge, PerformInk
February 23, 1993
A Streetcar Named Desire - Tennessee Williams
“Under the inspired direction of Roger Smart, his actors and production team have come together to provide an evening of magnificent theatre.”
Patricia Calnan, The Royal Gazette
June 28, 1990
"Had he been alive to watch the Daylesford Theatre's staging of his classic play A Streetcar Named Desire Tennessee Williams would have, without doubt, broken into spontaneous applause.…a wonderful production by a sensitive director"
Margaret Macpherson, Mid-Ocean news
June 29, 1990
The Fireraisers - Max Frisch
"…an artfully executed work"
John Steele, Mid-Ocean news
October 13, 1989
"Under the direction of Roger Smart…this unusual play provided an evening of comic yet thought-provoking entertainment."
Patricia Calnan, The Royal Gazette
October 11, 1989